These photos are in part collected here for my own records, but I hope they can also be educational when others are pondering the changes they may see between chick fluff and adult feathers. They grow up so quickly...
Born on St. Paddy's Day, I was very tempted to keep this little one, my first successful 2020 hatchling.

Most of my downloads are available at my regular site, but I wanted somewhere to put all the new things while I work on my remodel!

2024 • Muttlie Mania
created for the Muttlie Mania Xoops Stamp Contest #6 at Whiskerwick. I love vintage stamps, and wanted to try to recreate the beautiful intaglio technique

2024 • 208 Love
made in honor of the debate in the PL Discord regarding whether 208 is yellow or green

2024 • VOTE
November 5th is just a week away...
I can't promise these will all happen, but I do want to make stamps that you guys actually want! Drop me an email!
These stamps aren't intended for download here; they are available for purchase at The Petz Bazaar. For those of you who haven't joined yet, and in particular, for those of you who miss PUGS, I highly recommend it!
2024 • Tamsin
after designing the Muttlie stamp for the Xoops Stamp Contest I wanted to keep experimenting with intaglio-inspired design

2024 • Afghan Hound
My third stamp, this one featuring an Afghan Hound, one of my favorite breeds in the game (thanks to WHK, who created amazing sighthound files).
2024 • Sheep: Baaadass
Featuring one of my Shetlands!
Use the buttons to the left of each title to either play or download each tune.
To add these to your game, unzip them and place the .wav files into your Resource/Songz folder.
Thanks to Prism, we now have palettes! While each pet can only have 256 colors, they can now be any 256 colors you wish! To learn more and download the version of Petza that makes this possible, head over to their site. (To send a thank you for this, buy Prism a coffee!)
Queenie has done an amazing job at compiling virtually all of the palettes in the petz community on her palette site, and it is absolutely worth a look. Not only does she show the 256 color chart for each palette, she also shows each color range within the palette on an actual dog! It is a fantastic resource that is pinned at the beginning of my browser tabs.
To Download:
Use the left/right arrows to select the palette you'd like to download. When you hover over a palette, you'll see its name, and if you click, a link to download a palette from Google Drive will open up in a separate tab.
To Install:
To add these to your game, place the downloaded .bmp files into your Resource/Palettes folder.
To Make Your Own:
Mazzew has an excellent and very quick video tutorial on using the freeware software Libresprite to create your own palettes. (And in case you were wondering... yes, even if you have the whole fancypants Adobe suite, you'll still want to use Libresprite for this.)
I created all of the palettes above. You are welcome to use and redistribute these as you see fit. If you feel so inclined, I always love to see what folks create with these. Drop me a line. Include a link to your site and when I eventually get a gallery up and running, I'll include your pics and link to you (unless you prefer that I don't).
To Download:
Clicking the name of a set will download a .zip that includes the entire set! Wix gets grumpy about indexed BMPs, so I can't upload these without zipping them.
To Install:
To add these to your game, place the downloaded .bmp files into your Resource/Wallpaper folder.
Making these backgrounds is one of my favorite things to do, so expect to see more available soon! They should all repeat seamlessly. Most are 256 x 256 or 512 x 512 pixels.
Although these were designed to be playscene wallpapers, they are repeating BMPs that have been created in the original Petz palette, making them able to be used as textures in clothing and toys, furfiles, and more. You can also use them as backgrounds for websites, awards, and more.
If you use them, credit and/or a link back is always appreciated, but not required.
Purple is the color of October's Domestic Violence Awareness, so I created this set of fifty playpen backgrounds in order to bring awareness to the issue.
Forty Halloween-themed playpen backgrounds for you to enjoy!
Fifty original playpen wallpaper designs, all in shades of green. Not only is green reminiscent of grass, but I find most petz show up well against green. For decades I have used the green background with the fire hydrants and pawprints that came with the game for just that reason... but it's time for a change!
Petz Gifts & Apparel
Our store helps to support all we do at Harmony Farms, and also helps keep the website up and running. I created the artwork here. More products are available on our RedBubble store. If there's something you'd like to see here, please let me know!